The goal of this research study is to determine how repeated exercises could affect the strength of the cervical region of the spine. Through this study, researchers were able to track how the type and frequency of resistance training can aid in the progress of rehabilitation. The data was recorded and proposed in this study.
Neck pain is among one of the most common injuries that healthcare professionals see in their patients. The cervical region of your spine and your neck are responsible for holding the weight of your head as well as are greatly affected by your posture. Due to the large amount of stress that this region of your spine is under, muscle weakness is incredibly common which can lead to pain or injury. By prioritizing strength training in the cervical area of the spine, you can reduce pain and prevent injury altogether. The purpose of the study conducted was to demonstrate how isolating the cervical extensor muscles can increase strength and range of motion.
Seventy-three (73) subjects participated in the reliability study and once that part of the study was completed, there were an additional 24 subjects included. The reliability study was conducted using a MedX Cervical Extension machine. The 73 subjects went in once a week for 4 weeks. During each test, subjects’ maximum isometric cervical extension strength was measured through torso stabilization. The 24 subjects who participated in the resistance training were split into two groups. 14 of the subjects tested once a week for 10 weeks and the other 10 subjects acted as controls. The resistance training tests were also conducted on the MedX Cervical Extension machine.
By the end of the study, researchers were able to conclude that there was an increase in maximum isometric torque. As a result of the torso stabilization throughout the tests using the MedX Cervical Extension machine, the subjects’ cervical extensor muscles gained strength. This study demonstrates the efficacy of utilizing resistance training as a way to reduce pain and prevent injury in the neck and cervical spine.