Electronic Components
In order to provide comprehensive, long-term support to the entire MedX Rehab community and users of our MedX Rehab software platform, we have developed supplier relationships with the manufacturers of all of the electronic components utilized in the MedX Lumbar Extension, Cervical Extension, Cervical Rotation, and Torso Rotation machines. Furthermore, for those components that have been discontinued or are no longer manufactured, our team has worked with each manufacturer either to provide a suitable and equivalent replacement component or our internal team has engineered new replacement components that are equivalent to the original component. As a result, we are uniquely capable of providing and delivering electronic components for all MedX machines to our MedX Rehab community and the users of our MedX Rehab software.
Load Cell
The load cell is a vital electronic component of each MedX machine as it is used during Isometric Testing to measure the force/torque exerted by a patient at different angle positions within the patient’s Range of Motion (ROM). The force exerted by a patient is measured by a strain gauge integrated into the load cell that converts the measured force into an analog electrical signal. That signal is then transmitted from the Load Cell through the Digital Interface Box and, ultimately, to the MedX Rehab computer where our software translates the signal into a digital force/torque measurement in real-time.
The potentiometer is also an important electronic component of each MedX machine are it is used to measure the position of the movement arm in reference to the machine while establishing a patient’s Range of Motion (ROM). Similar to a load cell, a potentiometer turns in a circular motion with the movement of the movement arm while transmitting an analog electrical signal. This signal is then transmitted through the Digital Interface Box to the MedX Rehab computer where our software translates the signal into an angular measurement in real-time. In fact, the integration between the potentiometer and our MedX Rehab software allows us to conduct angular measurements with a precision of +/- 1 degree, which is much more precise than the legacy MedX software (+/- 3 degrees).
Manual Switch
The manual switch represents a holdover electronic component of each MedX machine that has been utilized by MedX clinicians and practitioners over the past 35 years. While the manual switch serves the purpose of initiating actions (e.g. in starting an Isometric Test or Dynamic Exercise) or capturing data (e.g. capturing the results of an Isometric Test point), its functionality is now duplicated electronically by a “MedX Rehab Switch” button that exists within the software’s user interface (UI). As a result, we often find that our more experienced practitioners still utilize the manual switch while newer practitioners prefer to utilize the electronic switch button.
Digital Interface Box
The Digital Interface Box is, perhaps, the most important electronic component of each MedX machine as it is used to convert the analog signals captured from the Load Cell, Potentiometer, and Manual Switch into digital signals that are then processed by our MedX Rehab software. Given the unique processing requirements and proprietary components used, we manufacture our own MedX Rehab Digital Interface Boxes “in-house” while adhering to the original MedX specifications. As a result, the MedX Rehab Digital Interface Box is compatible with all versions of the MedX Medical Lumbar Extension, Cervical Extension, Torso Rotation, and Cervical Rotation machines.
Barrier Strip
The barrier strip is an electronic interface board that allows the Load Cell, Potentiometer, and Manual Switch to connect to the Digital Interface Box. Since the original barrier strip was discontinued and is no longer manufactured, our MedX Rehab engineering team designed and created a new barrier strip that is fully compatible with all versions of the MedX Medical Lumbar Extension, Cervical Extension, Torso Rotation, and Cervical Rotation machines as well as the different types of electronic components used by MedX Rehab.