Research proves that training frequency improves Torso rotation strength. This study was conducted at the Center for Exercise science from the College of Health and Human Performance at the University of Florida, Gainesville. This involved a randomized group investigating the impact of varying frequencies on muscle strength related to torso rotation using MedX Machines.
In the study titled: “ Isometric Torso Rotation Strength: Effect of Training Frequency on Its Development ”, the objective was to test different frequencies and how they affect torso rotation muscle strength using MedX Machines. The participants were 33 men (age 30 ‡ 11yr) and 25 women (age 28 ÷ 10yr) with no back pain or previous history of back pain and another 50 individuals. These individuals were tested for isometric torso rotation before and after their 12 weeks of training. There was one non-exercising control group and 3 other exercising groups which were split into training once, twice or three times a week.
All participants were instructed to take a pre and post test. For each training session participants had to complete 8-12 repetitions on these machines with a different weight to exercise each subject’s volitional fatigue on both the left and right side. Each subject was tested by using the MedX torso rotation machine. The machines would isolate the torso to ensure proper mobility.
Only 59.2% or 33 men and 25 women of the 98 volunteers that agreed to be in the study completed all of the training. Many subjects either got sick, moved to other areas, or had different work and school commitments. Some of the subjects had back pain during the tests and wished to not continue with the study. Sessions two or three times a week had the same results however, meeting two times a week showed greater torso strength than once a week.