Arthur Jones, pioneer of physical fitness equipment, has taken bold steps in exercise machinery to revolutionize his machines for the treatment of low back pain. Jones also campaigned and produced the first University-wide funding effort in University of Florida’s history. The success of Jones’ machines in the reduction and prevention of low back pain through increased strength is demonstrated in the study.
Almost 40 years ago, Arthur Jones and Dr. Michael Pollock collaborated to create comprehensive treatment for low back pain. Arthur Jones has devoted his time and energy into his MedX Corporation and his machines. At the University of Florida (UF), not only did Jones donate millions of dollars but also has allowed the students at the Center for Exercise Science at UF to use his machines for testing. Dr. Pollock has been conducting clinical tests to determine the effectiveness of Jones’ MedX Lumbar Extension Machine to accurately evaluate and strengthen the lower back muscles.
Low back pain is one of the most commonly seen injuries in modern society. The burden of low back pain is extensive and leaves patients feeling helpless. The MedX Lumbar Extension Machine is used to determine a patient’s maximum isometric strength as well as testing the patient’s range of motion. By determining the patient’s range of motion, a provider can also observe and predict a patient’s dynamic strength and endurance. This ultimately allows the clinician to evaluate the lumbar extension strength of a patient through full range of motion.
Since the 1980’s, the Center for Exercise Science at UF has been conducting research on the MedX Lumbar Extension Machine. After concluding multiple tests and studies, the MedX Medical Lumbar Extension Machine has proved to be effective in increasing a patient’s range of motion. From their first study, fifteen (15) subjects trained once a week for ten weeks and demonstrated a 42% improvement in lumbar extension. Since the first study, hundreds of people have shown progress in their maximum isometric strength and lumbar extension, ultimately reducing pain in the low back.